Our unique Executive Coaching process is a transformation that leads to results. Every leader must develop new skills that allow them to flourish in times of perpetual change. Leaders who don’t, will be left behind and risk becoming irrelevant. Coaching based on the N.E.W.S ® Compass, is appropriate when a senior member of the organization takes over a position, in order to prepare for change, when improved execution is required, when it is necessary to navigate a career or for the process of personal development. The coaching process was designed especially for managers and leaders in organizations as an integral process that is adapted individually, is measurable, and based on a clear road map including a usable Coaching Kit.
Our coaching processes generate exceptional and measurable results for individuals, teams and organizations. The process leads the coachee towards significant breakthroughs, improving results and measurable ROI. The structure and the language of the coaching based on the Compass, enables multinational organizations to provide global coaching solutions for their executives and leaders while maintaining unified methodology .